Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta reflexiones sobre erasmus. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta reflexiones sobre erasmus. Mostrar todas las entradas

08 febrero 2008

About me

This post is gonna be dedicated to me, and it's gonna be in English, cause I don't want people to understand it... At least, not everyone.
Today I feel sad, actually nothing is wrong, but i'm sad...
Well, maybe something is wrong, but not a very important thing.
Furthermore, i had two invitations for going out tonight, on party, but one of them i dont feel like going, and the other one is in the wrong place, although i like the people who is going to be there... On monday maybe... Today im not in the mood.
I think this erasmus experience is ok, but sometimes i feel bored, or sad... Its life...
Other times i really feel good, and enjoy! That's great!!!
i've met lots of wonderful people...
Also lots of strange people, but its ok...
I though i was going to learn more English than what i've done, but its no so bad...
I just hope everything would be better, and that the bad moments would be less...
I hope I'll
have much more parties, good parties, like this one:
And finally, i hope to be able to remember this year with a really big smile on my face.
Cheers and peace, friends!!